We could open this section with a statement about the meaning of our name: about how the fleeting,
virtual essence of the “Data Sparrow” is an allegory for a collective with no physical headquarters,
no “roots” but rather “wings”, spanning across this strange world in the form of our members – as it’s only thanks them
that the Sparrow can take flight and reach new heights.
But that’d be one flight of fancy too many for what amounts to a group of all-too-eager hobbyists,
so let’s keep our feet on the ground for now.
Basically, Data Sparrow is an art collective. For what kind of art?
Whichever we have the facilities and ideas to pursue, mostly.
Currently, we’re focusing on tabletop games and printed media.
In the future? Who knows! Nothing is off the table aside from a few,
obviously unethical endeavors that have been catching on these past couple of years,
so if we ever have the means to actually put out a videogame or two,
we’ll most certainly try.
Our aesthetic preferences and areas of expertise are as many as our members,
but our founding value is the point around which it all pivots:
branch out whenever you can, don’t let ideas overstay their welcome,
keep it varied and fun.
To this end, our projects currently take place in a single,
expansive universe designed from the ground up as a creative playground with minimal guidelines.
This streamlines setting-level writing immensely, as all projects get to be on the same historical timeline
and all that’s needed is defining the details of the particular locations in which each project takes place.
This, however, doesn’t mean there’s some sort of grand converging narrative going on:
every Data Sparrow endeavor is a standalone work, whose only references
to other works amount to the natural amounts of cross-pollination resulting from two planets being neighbors,
or two sports occupying the same niche. You can come in wherever, you can come out wherever.
If any of this stuff sounds up your alley, you’re welcome to take a look at our projects and [contact us](/html/contact.html)
if you want to know more about anything we’re currently working on! We don’t like to show things publicly
unless we know they fundamentally work and are 100% going to be released, but a question or two never hurt anyone.